Bringing realtime to social media monitoring

Bringing realtime to social media monitoring

Traditionally, eMedia Monitor is all about 24/7 real-time monitoring of radio and TV content. For many years, eMM has been a reliable partner to international companies in this industry and has helped customers with innovative technologies to not miss anything said about their industry, customers or any other topic of interest.

Motion picture is an indispensable part of the media landscape, since the combination of picture and sound is the simplest way for the brain to process information, much easier than written text. Publishers are well aware of this fact, which is why many magazines are now supplemented by online portals that provide video content. Motion picture is more important and present than ever, which the video portal Youtube impressively proves.

Every day, over a billion hours of content are consumed on Youtube – an almost frightening amount that only illustrates the impact of the second-most popular social media page. In addition to Youtube, podcasts and online platforms of daily newspapers and magazines play a significant role as well. All these have all become an important addition to print media in the past few years and have definitely come to stay.

All of this media provides an incredible amount of relevant information, but the very thought of researching through all these portals could cause headaches. Nevertheless, the demand is steadily growing and this is exactly where Web TV monitoring comes into play.

Web TV basically means all audiovisual content that can be found online and does not belong to broadcast. The content is recorded in episodes and is retrievable exactly as published. As an innovation leader and one of the first providers worldwide, eMM has developed a solution to monitor all these platforms for relevant information – fully automated, 24/7 and with the lowest latency possible.

The channels which are required by customers are being monitored individually. Thanks to eMedia Monitor‘s extensive coverage and experience, they are able to respond very precisely and flexibly to the wishes of customers to create a tailor-made solution for companies looking for the optimal monitoring tool.

eMM has a unique infrastructure that is able to check the channels to be monitored regularly for new publications. Only this way it can be ensured that no information is being missed and that it remains absolutely clear when an article, video or other content has been published – a crucial piece of information that is not easy to track down later.

All known benefits of the eMM online monitoring tool are also available for monitoring Web TV. The Web TV content can be integrated into the user interface simultaneously, providing the perfect complement to broadcast monitoring solutions.

Let us advise you on the countless possibilities, our customer service is glad to assist.